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3.9 The Ogg Vorbis format

This is a popular alternative to the Mp3 format, expecially on the Linux platform. At intermediate bitrates (128–256kbps), most listening tests favour Ogg Vorbis over Mp3 in terms of quality. From an end-user’s perspective both formats are very similar in nature and most of what is said for the Mp3 format below also applies to the Ogg Vorbis format. In particular, the settings are almost identical.

When a multitrack document is saved as an Ogg Vorbis file, Amadeus Pro will downmix it to a mono or stereo file, whichever is more suitable.

Vorbis is the first of a planned family of Ogg multimedia coding formats being developed as part of Xiphophorus’s Ogg multimedia project.

Copyright © HairerSoft
Last updated on June 22, 2015

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