Barcody for Mac OS X has been produced by MK-Software and is distributed exclusively by
The documentation is produced by and may be (but only as a complete file bundle) reproduced, copied or saved without prior written agreement by, but may not be rewritten or translated into other languages or computer languages in any form. The rights of all companies and company names as well as product names and brand names mentioned in this documentation, belong to the respective companies.
This program as well as its documentation have been produced with the greatest care to guarantee quality and functionality. But due to the fact that this product is being constantly revised and improved, neither the author, the producer, nor the distributor, can offer any guarantee or accept any liability for any damage that may occur due to the use or misuse of this product.
If you are sure that you have found an error in the program, the documentation or the translation of either program or documentation, please do not hesitate to inform us about it. We appreciate your engagement in this product and will use your comments and bug reports for further improvements of this product.