Here you can open the info dialog for Barcody, change the preferences, purchase and register Barcody, and, of course, quit the program.
Here you open the Info dialog of Barcody. Among other items, it lists the current version, which is important for support requests and bug reports (in our bug tracking system too). You will also find a list of all the people, who worked on Barcody.
Barcody uses some function routines which have not been written by the Barcody developers. The copyright owners of these routines are listed in this dialog.
This menu item opens the Preferences window, which is described in its own chapter.
This menu item opens the Registration window, which is described in its own chapter.
This menu item shows different services which are offered by the operating system of your computer or by other applications for usage in Barcody.
You want to get Barcody out of sight but let it continue doing its stuff? Simply hide it by clicking on this menu item, i.e. all open windows and the menu of Barcody will be hidden.
Barcody will still run in the Dock and can be re-opened from there.
If other programs lay in front while you want to work with Barcody you can easily hide them by selecting this menu item. The other programs will not be quitted but still run in the Dock.
If you have hidden
several programs, you can make them
all visible again with a single mouse click on this menu item.
Here is your way out of Barcody.