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  Barcody 3 Indice


[Questo sezione non è stato ancora tradotto.]
You should adjust these preferences so that Barcody best suits your needs.


Here you can define how Barcody should behave on program launch. When you check the Effects option Highlight sheets, the document area will be darkened when a sheet drops out of the document title bar / toolbar. This increases the focus on the sheet.

Parametri di Default

In this section you can preset all important parameters for barcode creation.

[Questo sezione non è stato ancora tradotto.]

If you want to change the default font face, you have to firstly open the system fonts palette. Therefore, choose the menu item View > Show Fonts. Then you can choose another font face for the selected barcode type in the fonts palette.

Trucco: [Questo sezione non è stato ancora tradotto.]
If you want to produce e.g. catalogs with barcodes generally in CMYK, we recommend to define the barcode color basically as CMYK color here. After a click on the color field behind Colore Codice a Barre the system palette Colori from Mac OS X is shown. Choose the second group named Cursori colore in its toolbar. Then you can choose from the pop-up menu below, which color model you want to use. Don't forget to choose an adequate CMYK color profile from the menu which can be accessed with a click on the tiny symbol in front of the color model pop-up menu.

Label Sheets

Here you define your preferred label sheets for print output. You can define from a wide range of different page formats and setup multiple rows and columns for your labels.


Here you define your preferred measurement units for fonts and lines.


Barcody can check on program launch automatically or manually, if there are updates for Barcody or Barcody plug-ins available.

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Ultimo aggiornamento 29. Ottobre 2017

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