  BlogAssist > Preferences Index


The Preferences window is displayed via the BlogAssist > Preferences menu item. This is the General page. It includes some general-purpose options.

BlogAssist menu icon

Choose which icon to use for the BlogAssist system menu. The current choices are color and grayscale editions of the current and old BlogAssist icons.

Automatically start when you log in to the computer

This checkbox will control whether or not BlogAssist is automatically launched after you log in to your Mac. Checking it is equivalent to adding BlogAssist to the Login Items in your System Preferences. BlogAssist is automatically added when you start it, since it needs to be running to be used. You'd normally leave this checked.

Show a confirmation when restoring defaults

This checkbox controls whether or not BlogAssist displays a sheet to confirm restoring defaults. This confirmation helps avoid accidentally losing your preference customizations. This preference applies to the confirmations for all preference pages. The sheet also has a don't ask again checkbox. This defaults to on.

Restore Defaults

Click this button to change the preferences on this page back to the factory-set values. Preferences on other pages are not affected. A confirmation sheet is presented, unless it was disabled.

Help  Click this button to display the page of the User Guide that discusses this window, i.e. the page you are reading now.

Copyright © Dejal Systems, LLC
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 juni 2015
