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The toolbar below the window title bar is your control center for the JobTimer. Here you can call all important job list functions with single mouse clicks.

New Job

With a click on the green Plus symbol or the text New Job you add a new job to the current job list.

New Group

With a click on the green Plus symbol with the small folder or the text New Group you add a new job group to the current job list.

Delete Entry

By clicking on the red X symbol or the text Delete Entry you remove the currently selected job from the current job list. A safety alert protects you against unwanted data losses.


When you click on the Start button or the associated text, you start time registration for the current job in the current job list. As soon as time registration begins, the button and text change to Stop.

In order to stop a running time registration, simply click the Stop button.


When you click this blue job hammer symbol button, you activate the currently selected job in the list. This corresponds to the Activate Job menu entry in the Time Registration menu. You have to select a job in the list first (not a folder, date or time entry!) or the relevant job cannot be activated.

The currently activated job is shown in the job list with a blue dot in the Job symbol.

Show/Hide Details

With a click on this icon, you open or close a drawer in the main window, which shows more details about the selected job. Here you can also set color labels for a job and enter, edit or remove a description for the job.

Copyright © MK-Software
Last updated on June 22, 2015

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