Notio 2.0 is a completely new developed, database-based application.
The user interface of the application has been completely redesigned.
Notes can get any number of resource attachments (PDFs, images, or web archives).
Notes can be written in rich text format with formattings and styles, or as plain text.
Notes support all Unicode characters.
Formatted text notes support various fonts, embedded images, tables, lists, separator lines, and to do checkboxes.
Resources can be dragged onto the app icon in the Dock, or be imported, or be added using the Attachments inspector.
All notes and attachments can be searched, even for attributes like: title, content, keywords, comment, description, color label, and type.
Removed elements can be definitely deleted or be restored.
Notio installs the following services:
Import URL into Notio: imports the currently selected URL from a text or from your browser address bar as a resource.
Import File into Notio: imports text files as notes, and PDFs, images, and web archives as resources, respectively.
Save PDF to Notiowhich you can find in the Print dialog of almost every other application via the [PDF] button.
Notio supports browser scripts to take URLs and browser page contents easily.