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Getting Started

PasswordWallet for WebKit is a place to store your private data on your Handheld Device or USB Thumb Drive.

Your data and the method to access it are all encoded within the web page or bookmark. There are three ways to export your data:

  1. Export your data to Safari as a Bookmark. Use this method if you're exporting to an iPhone or iPod Touch.
  2. Export your data to a standalone web page. Use this method if you want to save your exported data to a USB Thumb Drive.
  3. Export your data to bookmarklet file. Use this method so you have pages to load that in turn can be added to your bookmarks for later retrieval.

Exporting to an iPhone or iPod Touch as Bookmarklet

Doing the export:

  1. Open your PasswordWallet data file in PasswordWallet for Mac just as you would normally.
  2. Select the menu item FileExport entriesto Safari bookmarklet for iPhone.
  3. An animated sheet will appear to select the bookmark collection in Safari for where to save PasswordWallet for iPhone.
  4. Push "OK".
  5. Optional: You may now test the bookmarklet in Safari. Just open it like any other bookmark. ("Show all Bookmarks" from the Bookmarks Menu.)

Syncing with iTunes:

  1. Plug in your iPhone and select it in iTunes.
  2. Click the "Info".
  3. Check "Sync Safari Bookmarks".
  4. Synchronize.

Accessing your data on the iPhone or iPod Touch

  1. Tap the bookmarks button in Safari on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the bookmark collection you saved the iPhone Bookmarklet to.
  3. Open the bookmark.
  4. Enter your master password, push "Go", and view your passwords on your iPhone!
  5. If you have a lot of passwords you may see a popup menu of choices to view. These choices include all entries, sorted by title, followed by choices for each category. Select one for that data, and only that data to appear.
  6. You're done!

Exporting as a Standalone Web Page

Doing the export:

  1. Open your PasswordWallet data file in PasswordWallet for Mac just as you would normally.
  2. Select the menu item FileExport entriesto stand-alone encrypted web page....
  3. An animated sheet will appear.
  4. Push "OK".
  5. Select the file you would like to export to. File should end with ".html" to be compatible with the most number of browsers.

Accessing your data: Open these html files in Internet Explorer, Safari or FireFox, and enter your password. These files can be copied to USB Thumb Drives or other

Exporting as a Bookmarklet File

Doing the export:

  1. Open your PasswordWallet data file in PasswordWallet for Mac just as you would normally.
  2. Select the menu item FileExport entriesto stand-alone encrypted web page....
  3. An animated sheet will appear.
  4. Turn on the checkbox "Export pages as raw bookmarklets".
  5. Push "OK".
  6. Select the file you would like to export to. File should end with ".html" to be compatible with the most number of browsers.

Accessing your data: This is the tricky part. For saving the data to your bookmarks on your device, the files needs to be made temporarily available on the Internet. This can be accomplished by turning on personal web sharing or uploading the exported files to a web site under your control.

Once the pages are loaded in the browser on your device, click the link on them. When your data appears, save it as a bookmark. In the future you can access your data by opening the bookmark.

After the bookmark is saved, you should remove the files from your server.

Export Options

Export Options

  • Split up files - Very large files should be split up in to smaller files (or bookmarklets). Many devices do not have enough RAM to open a bookmark or web page with more than 200 entries. So this option instructs PasswordWallet to break up your one large file in to multiple smaller files.
  • Split up groups - Very large groups load slowly on the iPhone. With this option any group that is larger than the selected count will be broken up into smaller groups.
  • Display font - Choose the display font for the resulting web page on the iPhone.
  • Add new exports at the beginning of the collection - If a bookmark by name does not exist in a collection, it will be added at the beginning or the end of the collection, depending on this setting.
  • Automatically export when file is closed - The current settings will be used to export the bookmark automatically when the file is closed.

Other Options

  • PasswordWallet for iPhone will time out 120 seconds after unlocking. Opening and closing disclosure triangles resets the clock to 0.
  • Tap the arrows or the name to expand or collapse and entry.
  • Tap URL inside of an expanded entry to visit that URL directly.
  • PasswordWallet for iPhone does not do auto-typing at this time.