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Interleave PDF Documents

This will interleave the PDF documents selected in the import dialog with the pages in the open document. Interleaving obeys the following rules:

  1. If no selection exists in the page list, the first imported page is inserted above the top most page in the document. The second imported page is inserted after the first page; the third imported page is inserted after the second page; etc. If the imported document has more pages than present in the list, the surplus pages are appended to the end.

  2. If a single page is selected in the page list, the first imported page is inserted after the selected page. The second imported page is inserted after the next page in the list; etc. If the imported document has more pages than present in the list, the surplus pages are appended to the end.

  3. If multiple pages are selected an imported page will be inserted after each selected page. Surplus pages are inserted immediately after the last imported page.

Copyright © SintraWorks
Last updated on June 30, 2015

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