This section contains information on each item in the View menu of ScreenFlow:
Magnify the visible preview area of ScreenFlow.
Reduce the visible preview area of ScreenFlow.
Magnify the visible preview area of ScreenFlow to its natural size.
Magnify the visible preview area of ScreenFlow so that all contents are visible in the window with a bit of margins on the sides.
These options only affects your preview. They do not crop the canvas, or change the size of your exported movie.
Zooms the Timeline to fit in your window.
Magnify the Timeline.
Reduces the Timeline.
Toggles Snapping for both the Preview and Timeline.
When snapping is on, the mouse will snap to various guide-lines. For example, in the Preview Area, the mouse will snap your objects to the center and edges of your canvas. It will also snap to other objects, if you have any. In the timeline, the mouse will snap to the beginnings and endings of actions and clips.
You can temporarily toggle snapping by holding down the command key.
When activated, you can hear the audio track while dragging the scrubber.
When activated, clips that contain audio have the audio waveform shown along the centre of the clip.