The Checks log at the bottom of the Monitor window contains a table listing the recent checks of the tests. As with the statistics, if no tests are selected, the checks of all tests are listed; if some or one are selected, only the checks from those selected tests are listed. The columns can be sorted, and the order toggled, as desired. This table is mainly interesting to see recent check durations for all tests, or just a few or one.
Also included is a chart that graphically depicts the recent checks. The chart automatically updates as checks occur. The colors of the bars correspond to the statuses of the tests. The most recent checks are on the left of the chart. The chart or table can be hidden or resized by dragging the splitter bar between them. Double-clicking the splitter will quickly hide the chart.
There is also a search field. This is useful to refine the information shown in the table and chart even further. You can select one or more tests in the tests table, then enter some text in the search field to view just the table lines that contain that text.
Here are the details of the columns: