The Failures log of the bottom of the Monitor window contains a
table listing any failures for the tests. As with the changes table,
if no tests are selected, the failures from all tests are listed; if
some or one are selected, only the failures from those selected tests
are listed. The columns can be sorted, and the order toggled, as
Also included is a search field. This is useful to refine the
information shown in the table even further. You can select one or
more tests in the tests table, then enter some text in the search
field to view just the table lines that contain that text.
Here are the details of the columns:
- Failed
This column displays the date and time that the failure
occurred. Specifically, it is the time that Simon checked the site and
received an error of some kind. So the site may have gone down a few
minutes before this time.
- Recovered
This column shows the date and time that the site recovered
from the failure, or
not yet
if it hasn't recovered
yet. A recovery is when the site becomes available again on a
subsequent check after a failure.
- Time
This column shows the approximate elapsed interval between the
failure and recovery times, so you can tell at a glance how long the
site was down.
- Error
This column displays the error message that was received from
the remote server, from the operating system, or generated by Simon.
It usually indicates the nature of the failure.
- Test Name
This column displays the name of the test that this relates to;
useful when displaying failures for multiple tests.
Copyright © Dejal Systems, LLC
Dernière mise à jour le 7 août 2015