E-mail Transport Options
The Transport Options panel for the E-mail plug-in is displayed
when you click the [Options] button, or choose Add Server
the Transport pop-up menu in the E-mail plug-in settings.
- Outgoing Mail Server
Enter the full domain name of your SMTP mail server. If you are
unsure, you can look in the preferences of your e-mail software, or
ask your ISP or administrator.
Nota : if you use .Mac, only enter the "smtp.mac.com"
part (without the quotes), not the colon and username that typically
- Server Port
Enter the port number used by the SMTP mail server. In most
cases, this will be the default value of 25.
- Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Check this box if your mail server supports SSL communication,
to provide a secure connection.
- Authentication
Choose the appropriate authentication method that is supported
by your mail server. If you try one and it doesn't work, try the other
options; different mail programs call these different things. Again,
ask your administrator if you need assistance.
- User Name
Enter the user name to log on to your mail server, if you are
using some form of authentication.
- Password
Enter the password for your mail server, if you are using
authentication. Your entry will be hidden. You can't leave it blank if
it is needed, as Simon operates without human intervention.
- Delete
Click this button to remove this transport method from the
Transport pop-up menu. The deletion will not be confirmed.
- Cancel
This button will close this panel without saving your changes.
- OK
This button will save your changes and add the transport method
to the Transport pop-up menu.
Copyright © Dejal Systems, LLC
Dernière mise à jour le 7 août 2015