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Test Variables

This page has information about the Test block, and variables valid within this scope. See the Report Templates page for more information about Simon's report templates.

The Test block includes variables about a test – i.e. values displayed in Simon's Fenêtre de Surveillance de Simon in the Tests list and statistics page.

Variables are tags in the file that are replaced by another value when the report is used. Variables are enclosed in curly braces, and have a variable name optionally followed by any number of parameters, e.g. {status type="icon"}. See the Report Template parameters page for information on the available parameters.

The variables that are available in this scope include:

Variable: Outputs:
AverageDuration The average length of time for a check to complete.
AverageFailTime The average length of time of failures for this test.
Changed Changed for a new change, otherwise blank.
Checks The total number of checks for this test.
Failed Failed for a current failure, otherwise blank.
Failures The total number of unsuccessful checks for this test.
LastChange The date and time of the most recent time the site changed.
LastChangeTextWithHTML The full text from the most recent check (between any Start and End blocks), with HTML tags included.
LastChangeTextWithoutHTML The text from the most recent check (between any Start and End blocks), with HTML tags stripped out.
LastCheck The date and time of the most recent check.
LastDifference The text from the most recent Smart Change Detection (old name, new templates should use LastDifferenceWithHTML instead.).
LastDifferenceWithHTML The text that was different between the most recent two checks, with HTML tags included.
LastDifferenceWithoutHTML The text that was different between the most recent two checks, with HTML tags stripped out.
LastDowntime The duration of the most recent failure.
LastDuration The length of time that the most recent check took to complete.
LastError The error message of the most recent failure.
LastEvent The date and time of the most recent change, failure, or recovery.
LastFailure The date and time of the most recent failure.
LastRecovery The date and time of the most recent recovery from a failure.
Location URL, domain, or other location that this test checks.
MaxDuration The longest length of time for a check to complete.
MaxFailTime The longest interval the test has failed.
MinDuration The shortest length of time for a check to complete.
MinFailTime The shortest interval the test has failed.
Name Name of the test.
NextCheck The date and time that Simon will next check this test.
Recoveries The total number of times the test has recovered from a failure.
Service Type of Service used for the test.
ShortName Name of the test, converted to lowercase and with non-letter characters removed.
Status An indication of the current status of the test. Also supports icon output.
Successes The total number of successful checks for this test.
Unviewed Yes if this test is marked as unviewed, otherwise No. Also supports icon output.
UpTime Percentage of successes to failures.

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Dernière mise à jour le 7 août 2015

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