First of all, note that it is possible to change the key shortcuts for menu items in the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the Keyboard & Mouse system preferences pane. This is an extremely useful feature that is often overlooked by people and works in every application on Mac OS X.
Here is a list of the key shortcuts that can be used in the main sound window of Amadeus Pro:
key | action |
[space bar] | Starts sound playback |
[command][space bar] | Starts playback of the current track only |
[tab key] | Rewinds and then starts playback |
[option][1]-[4] | Stores the current zoom level into the corresponding register |
[1]-[4] | Sets the current zoom level the value stored in the corresponding register |
[e] | Previews the effect of deleting the current selection |
[a] | Extends the selection by one pixel to the left |
[s] | Shrinks the selection by one pixel at the left |
[d] | Shrinks the selection by one pixel at the right |
[f] | Extends the selection by one pixel to the right |
[g] | Toggles the display of the grid behind the waveform |
[h] | Toggles the display of the selection in the timescale |
[n] | Cycles the currently active track between all the tracks of the document |
[m] | Creates a marker at the insertion point |
[r] | Repairs the selection (select only a very short piece) |
[t] | Repairs the top channel of the selection (select only a very short piece) |
[b] | Repairs the bottom channel of the selection (select only a very short piece) |
[p] | Creates a marker at the playback head |
[down arrow] | Plays back half an octave lower |
[up arrow] | Plays back half an octave higher |
[left arrow] | Places the insertion point at the left end of the selection |
[right arrow] | Places the insertion point at the right end of the selection |
[ [ ] | Places the insertion point at the left end of the selection. If nothing is selected, moves the insertion point to the left by one pixel. |
[ ] ] | Places the insertion point at the right end of the selection. If nothing is selected, moves the insertion point to the right by one pixel. |
[option][left arrow] | Moves insertion point to the previous marker |
[option][right arrow] | Moves insertion point to the next marker |
[command][left arrow] | Extends the selection to the previous marker |
[command][right arrow] | Extends the selection to the next marker |
[home] | Jumps to the beginning of the sound |
[end] | Jumps to the end of the sound |
[page up] | Moves to the left by one screen |
[page down] | Moves to the right by one screen |
[+] or [=] | Zooms deeper into the sound |
[–] | Zooms out of the sound |
[option][+] or [] | Zooms vertically into the sound |
[option][–] | Zooms vertically out of the sound |
[command-click] | Places a marker at the clicked point |
[shift-click] | Extends / shrinks the selection to the clicked point |
[double-click] | Starts playing the current track from the clicked point |