HomeBarcodesISBN 13ISMN
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The ISSN barcode is also a special variant of the GTIN-13 code. The ISSN in principle is the ISBN for continuously released publications (e.g. magazines). The ISSN always has 8 digits. When transforming it into a barcode, the cyphers 977 are prefixed to the ISSN. Barcody does this automatically, so you have to enter only the first 7 digits of the ISSN.

The digits 11 and 12 of the GTIN-13 code usually stay unused but can be used for special or double volume tagging.

Hint: In combination with the ISSN barcode, an EAN 2 or EAN 5 barcode can also be used as an additional barcode (Add-on).

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Last updated on October 29, 2017

HomeBarcodesISBN 13ISMN