HomeContenutoConvenzioni nel ManualeBarcodes Document
  Barcody 3 Indice

Il mio primo codice a barre

[Questo sezione non รจ stato ancora tradotto.]
Here is a guide how to create your first GTIN-13 barcode.

  1. Launch Barcody.

  2. It will open a new Barcodes Document window.

    Barcodes Document - Please click to enlarge

    (If it doesn't, create one on your own, using the menu command File > New.)

  3. Click on Add Barcode and select GTIN-13 (EAN-13) from the barcodes list.

    Barcodes List - Please click to enlarge

  4. Now enter the barcode parameters. You should at least fill in a meaningful name plus the content which you should have received from an GTIN-13 barcode authority. You may keep most other parameters as suggested by the defaults.

    Check the Preview area in the window.

  5. Now you're ready to output the generated barcode in e.g. PDF format for further purposes.

Here you find the GTIN-13 specifications.

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Ultimo aggiornamento 29. Ottobre 2017

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