HomeImpositions EditorThe Template ListSlot Layout
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Sheet Layout

Slots are laid out on a sheet in rows and columns. Here you define how the slots are laid out.

Columns and Rows

Enter the number of columns and rows to be fitted onto a sheet. A sheet will have columns * rows slots.

The slots can be gathered into row and column groups to affect how the slots are spaced in relationship to each other on the sheet, and to affect the application of trim marks. If no groups are defined (a value of 0, the default), all rows together are treated as a single group, and all columns together are treated as a single group. Within a group the extremities will receive trim or cut marks (solid lines), while the page edges at the interior of a group will receive fold marks (dashed lines). The gutter values specify how large a gutter to leave between each group of slots. If the gutter is large enough to hold the marks, crop and fold marks will be drawn within the gutters too, and if Force Inner is selected under Finishing the marks will draw regardless of the size of the gutters.

Note: Note that finishing marks are placed according to the edge of the pages within the slots; not according to the edge of the slots themselves. Often the effect is the same since the pages tend to fit their slots exactly, but where this is not the case remember that the page is the governing factor; not the slot.

This is illustrated by the trim/fold marks (black) and bleed marks (red) in the figure below where the slots have been manually set to scale their pages down to 10% of the original:

Slot Size

can be any of the following:

Sheet Based The imageable sheet height resp. width divided by the number of rows resp. columns determines the slot size.
Fixed Slots are manually sized to the fixed dimensions supplied in the width and height text fields beneath the sizing style popup menu.
First Page (Scaling) The imageable sheet height resp. width divided by the size of the first page times the number of rows resp. columns determines the height resp. width of the slots.
First Page (Fixed) The size of the first page decides the size of all slots, and no scaling is applied. The contents are drawn at their original size.
Slot Orientation

Flip Odd/Even rows and columns: select to have even and or odd rows and columns of slots flipped vertically so that, after folding, the pages are correctly oriented within the signature.

Copyright © SintraWorks
Last updated on June 22, 2015

HomeImpositions EditorThe Template ListSlot Layout