Use the Tools → Outline and Link Automation → Link
Cross-Document References to Target Pages...
menu item to link
references to other pages to their target pages.
Enter the page range(s) you would like to be analysed and linked and enter a regular expression that describes the formulations that contain references to other pages in the document. The element(s) of the formulation that indicate the page reference need to be enclosed in a capture group (= enclosed in parentheses). Additional capture groups may be used for other elements, as needed to construct an adequate regular expression.
Expressions that contain exactly two capture groups may be defined with one of the capture groups indicating the location on the target page to link to. You can specify whether the first or the last capture group indicates the location. See the first example.
When Link Whole Match
is selected, the complete match is
linked, rather than only the page number.
Example regular expressions:
finds occurrences like:
section 5.1.4 on page 27
In addition, if Location on Target Page
is set to
Location First
or Location Last
, it will link to the
first occurrence of the text 5.1.4
on page 27.
on page ([0-9]+)
finds occurrences like:
on page 24
finds and links occurrences like: